Joy is Round in Kenya

Making soccer balls at Alive and Kicking

Making soccer balls at Alive and Kicking

March 2017

In 2017 SFI gave grants to five schools in Kenya. Three in the East Baringo area: Chomolingot Primary School, Chomolingot School for the Hearing Impaired and Nginyang Boarding Primary School; two in Kajiado: the School for Rescued Masai Girls (HELGA), a School for the Disabled; and Mintuntu School in Soteni Village (a school for boys and girls with HIV/AIDS). The grants have been given to schools and organizations that have been determined by those working with SFI to be those in most need. Notably the area of East Baringo is one of the driest and poorest in Kenya and is primarily inhabited by the Pokot tribe.

In this round of grants The Joy is Round Project is using an organization called ‘Alive and Kicking’ to make the balls. ‘Alive and Kicking’ has a workshop in the Nairobi where young people from the slums are taught the skills of making soccer balls and working with leather. In this way all money from the grants ends up in the country where there is a need.

Joy is Round in Kenya

Joy is Round in Kenya